
Welcome to Your Next Step in Your Five Step Journey

Understanding the importance of planning ahead isn't always easy, but taking the time to arrange your affairs can be the last gift you give to yourself and your loved ones. The Arrange Step is about putting your house in order—figuratively and literally—so that you leave behind clarity, not confusion.

Why Arrange Matters

Arranging isn't just about documents and decisions; it's about love. It's about making choices today that will alleviate the burden on your family tomorrow. 

 "It might seem like a hassle, and it is, but it's a gift to your family that will spare them a whole lotta problems later on."

 "It might seem like a hassle, and it is, but it's a gift to your family that will spare them a whole lotta problems later on."

"Your problems and mess don’t go away because you are dead." - Jason

Here's what you're giving your family when you arrange:

  • Peace of Mind: Clearly communicating your end-of-life preferences prevents disputes that could divide your family.

  • Financial Savings: Making financial and legal decisions in advance can dramatically reduce the time and money spent on legal fees and taxes.

  • Meaningful Farewells: By sharing your medical and memorial wishes, you allow your family to celebrate your life in a way that's true to you.

  • Autonomy: Without prior arrangements, strangers could end up making choices for you—choices that might not reflect your or your family's wishes.

Let's Get Started: Practical Steps to Take

Ready to begin? Here's how to start arranging your affairs:

Have Conversations: Talking about your end-of-life wishes with family and trusted friends can be difficult, but the benefits are many 

“Talking about sex doesn’t make you sexier and talking about dying doesn’t make you dead”

  • Gather Documents: Collect important paperwork, like financial statements and personal records.

“Start with the paperwork you can find easily; the county clerk is always there.”

  • Seek Professional Advice: Consult with legal, financial, and healthcare professionals to help guide your decisions

“You may be able to do everything yourself, and you may also be able to make big mistakes”

Decide: Make and document your medical, financial, and legal choices.

“My memory isn’t the best and it is worse when I am with all my family.”

  • Share Your Plans: Make sure your family and trusted friends know where to find “the papers” just in case.

“You might be shocked to find out that your relatives didn’t know to look in the freezer under the rainbow sherbet for your advanced directives.”

Actions That Make a Difference

Focusing on these four actions can eliminate most stress and complications for your loved ones:

  • Write a Will and Name Beneficiaries: Ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Why Bother?

  • Create Advanced Directives: Communicate your medical preferences to ensure you get as much or little treatment as you want.

  • Name Guardians: Protect the future of your minor children and pets.

  • Organize Passwords and Digital Accounts: Make it easier for your loved ones to manage your accounts, memberships and digital presence. 

Take Control

Don't wait for "someday." Begin the Arrange Step today, and take comfort in knowing you've done everything you can to ease the path for those you love.  It's about taking control, making choices, and ensuring that your legacy is honored exactly as you wish.

Are you ready to take the next step? Honor is the third step on your Five Step Journey